

www.ball-pen.net 广州市裕品笔业 专业圆珠笔厂家
圆珠笔的种类及其特点 圆珠笔 (或称"原子笔") 是近数十年来风行世界的一种书写工具。它具有结构简单、携带方便、书写润滑,且适宜于用来复写等优点,因而,从学校的学生到写字楼的文职人员等各界人士都乐于使用。圆珠笔的书写原理,主要是利用球珠在书写时与纸面直接接触产生摩擦力,使圆珠在球座内滚动,带出笔芯内的油墨或墨水,以达到书写的目的。圆珠笔品种繁多、式样各异,就质量而言又有高、中、低等不同档次,但从类别上说,基本上可分为油性圆珠笔和水性圆珠笔两种。 油性圆珠笔 俗称圆珠笔。所使用的笔头球珠多采用不锈钢或硬质合金材料制成。球珠直径的大小,决定了字迹线条的粗细。常见的球珠直径有1毫米、0.7毫米、0.5亳米三种(产品的笔身或圆珠笔芯上往往会注明)。圆珠笔的油墨是特制的,主要以色料、溶剂和调黏剂混合而成。常见的颜色有蓝、黑、红三色。普通油墨多用来作一般书写,特种油墨多用来作档案书写。作档案书写用的油墨,在笔芯上一般注有记号,如国产笔芯就注有DA的字样。 水性圆珠笔 又称宝珠笔或走珠笔。宝珠笔的笔杆、笔套用塑料注塑成型的叫全塑宝珠笔;笔套用不锈钢材冲压磨制成的叫半钢宝珠笔;笔杆、笔套全用不锈钢制造的叫全钢宝珠笔。全塑型的基本上都是一次性使用,即墨水用完就报废了;半钢型和全钢型的多采用可更换笔芯式结构。宝珠笔的笔头分为炮弹式和针管形两种,分别采用铜合金、不锈钢或工程塑料制成。球珠则多采用不锈钢、硬质合金或氧化铝等材料制成,中字迹球珠直径为0.7毫米,细字迹球珠直径为0.5毫米。储水形式分纤维束储水和无纤维束储水两种。墨水的色泽有红、蓝、黑、绿等。宝珠笔兼有钢笔和油性圆珠笔的特点,书写润滑流畅、线条均匀,是一种较为理想的书写工具。


www.ball-pen.net 广州市裕品笔业 专业圆珠笔厂家
中性圆珠笔笔头由球珠和球座。笔头体组成,墨水通道有五星槽,球珠放入球座上,球座收口,包住球珠,让球珠不至于掉出。 中性圆珠笔书写原理: 球珠在球座内自由转动。油墨通过球座中的五个沟槽流向球珠,笔在书写时,摩擦力带动球珠转动,从而将流向球珠的油墨不断转印到书写物上。
中性笔要求书写流畅,不吐冒、不断线、不落珠, 中性圆珠笔在书写时,一部分油墨从球珠转印到书写物上,另一部分油墨会随球珠转动带回球座内。 好的笔头,随球珠转动将油墨被带回球座较彻底,油墨沾在球座头外面较少,比较干净。 较差的笔头,油墨会大部分沾在球座头外面,无法带回球座内,即所谓的冒油粘头现象,中性圆珠笔的冒油有时和墨水的稠度、黏度、流速和笔头、锂基酯的配合关系很大,0。4MM以下的书写线性时,墨水的稠度、黏度要低,流速要大。粗线性书写时,墨水的稠度、黏度要高,流速要小。中性圆珠笔同规格笔珠要书写流畅,例:0。5MM笔珠,出墨要多,但负作用是落墨多,易出现墨迹蚕头,若要落墨少,缺点则不流畅,易出现断、跳线,出墨多,颜色深,出墨少,颜色浅,这两种情况是一对矛盾,如何综合考虑,使之达到最佳效果,则是中性圆珠笔制造厂一直研究的课题。,书写线性一致流畅,使用者好评,这是中性笔生产厂的基本功。
中性圆珠笔笔尖落地所造成的碰伤情况,如笔尖90度碰地,则圆珠笔笔头不会损坏,但若收口处碰伤,这样就会在此缺口处产生"冒油"线性不一致现象,严重时,球珠还会脱落、书写困难等现象。地面杉木板,一米高度,戴笔帽 ,头向上,头向下,平放,自然摔落不落珠既合格。
中性圆珠笔的检测书写角度(65°), 中性圆珠笔书写时,书写角度控制在大于60°为理想,这时,书写的摩檫要求是书写球珠与纸面接触(碳化球珠硬度1200HV,晶九陶瓷笔珠硬度1600HV,在墨水的润滑下耐磨损),收口处不接触书写物,从而保证中性圆珠笔在正确的书写状态下延长使用寿命。巨无霸中性笔更显重要。
书写角度过小易磨损球座的收口处,球座材料为镀镍头硬度250 HV,不锈钢硬度375HV,镍合金铜表面硬度1000HV,在没润滑物的作用下,较球珠易磨损得多,如长时间磨损球座的收口处,即使被写物是纸张,球座也经不起磨损,如此会造成球珠脱落或芯管内有墨水书写不完。 镀镍铜头碳化钨球珠无法达到国家行业标准,镍铂铜碳化钨球珠无法达到巨无霸中性笔书写要求,选择对的不锈钢笔头和镍铜瓷合金笔头适合于巨无霸中性笔配置。

Unusual Ballpoints

www.ball-pen.net 广州市裕品笔业 专业圆珠笔厂家
Two of the more interesting developments in the world of ballpoint pens include space pens and erasable pens. Space PensSpace Pens, or pressurized pens, are a technological novelty. Take, for example, the Fisher Space Pen. A space pen's ink reservoir is pressurized (~40 lb/sq. in.), and the ink is a special viscoelastic ink (like thick rubber cement). The ballpoint must rotate in order for the thick ink to liquefy, allowing it to write smoothly and dependably on most surfaces, even under water. Ordinary ballpoint pens rely on gravity to feed the ink and have an opening in the top of the ink cartridge to allow air to replace the ink as it is used. There is no hole in space pens, eliminating evaporated or wasted ink as well as leakage from the rear of the ink reservoir. In addition, a space pen can last up to 100 years, compared with the average two-year shelf life of a standard ballpoint pen. Since the 1960s, when the "Space Race" began, space pens have been used by the U.S. astronauts on all manned space flights, including lunar trips, and were also used by many of the Russian cosmonauts on the Soyuz space flights and the MIR space station. Erasable PensErasable pens were tremendously popular when they were introduced in the early 1980s. They combine the readability of brightly colored or black ink with the eraser functionality of a pencil. While the pens are still manufactured under names like Gillette Eraser Mate, they aren't as commonly used as they were before. What makes erasable ballpoint pens so different from traditional ballpoint pens is the "ink" -- instead of being made from oils and dyes, it is made of a liquid rubber cement. As you write, the ballpoint rolls on the paper and dispenses the rubber cement ink (the resulting mark is known as a trace). Modern erasable pens work by allowing a ballpoint pen to leave a definite and intense black or colored trace which looks like an ink trace, but is capable of being easily erased shortly after writing (usually up to 10 hours). After that time, the trace will harden and become non-erasable. Erasable ink generally consists of 15 percent to 45 percent (by weight) natural rubber that is dissolved in a series of volatile organic solvents with varying boiling points. For more information, check out the next introduction.

The Ink

www.ball-pen.net 广州市裕品笔业 专业圆珠笔厂家
Ink is a fluid or paste that comes in a variety of colors -- usually black or dark blue -- used for writing and printing. It is composed of a pigment or dye dissolved or dispersed in a liquid called the vehicle. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, writing inks date from about 2500 BC and were used in hieroglyphics found in ancient Egypt and China. They consisted of lampblack ground with a solution of glue or gums. The resulting mixture was molded into sticks and allowed to dry. Before use, the sticks were mixed with water. Various colored juices, extracts, and suspensions of substances from plants, animals, and minerals also have been used as inks, including alizarin, indigo, pokeberries, cochineal, and sepia. For many centuries, a mixture of a soluble iron salt with an extract of tannin was used as a writing ink and is the basis of modern blue-black inks. Modern quick-drying inks usually contain three things: The vehicle Coloring ingredients Pigments Agents Lacquers Additives The ink vehicle can be either plant-based (linseed, rosin, or wood oils), which dries by penetration and oxidation, or solvent-based (such as kerosene), which dries through evaporation. The vehicle is a faint bluish-black solution that is difficult to read. To make the writing darker and more legible, coloring ingredients (dyes) are added. Coloring ingredients can be pigments, which are fine, solid particles manufactured from chemicals, generally insoluble in water and only slightly soluble in solvents; agents, made from chemicals but soluble both in water and in solvents; or lacquers, created by fixing a coloring agent on powdered aluminum. Black, the standard ink color, is derived from an organic pigment, carbon. Colored pigments are inorganic compounds of chromium (yellow, green, and orange), molybdenum (orange), cadmium (red and yellow), and iron (blue). The additives stabilize the mixture and give the ink additional desirable characteristics. Depending on the medium that the ink is being made for (pens, printing presses, printers) and the material to be printed, the proportions change. In the case of ballpoint pen ink, the ink is very thick and quick-drying. It is thick so that it doesn't spill out of the reservoir, but thin enough that it responds to gravity. That is why a normal ballpoint pen cannot write upside-down -- it needs gravity to pull the ink onto the ball.

Ballpoint Design

http://www.ball-pen.net/ 广州市裕品笔业 专业圆珠笔厂家
The key to a ballpoint pen is, of course, the ball. This ball acts as a buffer between the material you're writing on and the quick-drying ink inside the pen. The ball rotates freely and rolls out the ink as it is continuously fed from the ink reservoir (usually a narrow plastic tube filled with ink). The ball is kept in place -- between the ink reservoir and the paper -- by a socket; and while it is in tight, it still has enough room to roll around as you write. As the pen moves across the paper, the ball turns and gravity forces the ink down the reservoir and onto the ball, where it is transferred onto the paper. It's this rolling mechanism that allows the ink to flow onto the top of the ball and roll onto the paper you're writing on, while at the same time sealing the ink from the air so it does not dry in the reservoir. Because the tip of a normal ballpoint pen is so tiny, it is hard to visualize how the ball and socket actually work. One way to understand it clearly is to look at a bottle of roll-on antiperspirant, which uses the same technology at a much larger scale. The typical container of roll-on has the same goals a ballpoint pen does -- it wants to keep air out of the liquid antiperspirant while at the same time making it easy to apply. At this scale, it is easy to see how the mechanism works.
The ball fits into the socket with just enough space to move freely. The size of a ballpoint pen's line is determined by the width of the ballpoint. A "point five millimeter" (0.5 mm) pen has a ball that will produce a line that is 0.5-mm wide, and a "point seven millimeter" pen (0.7 mm) has a ball that will produce a 0.7-mm line. Ballpoints come as tiny as "point one millimeter" wide ("ultra fine").

History of the Ballpoint

www.ball-pen.net 广州市裕品笔业 专业圆珠笔厂家
Hungarian journalist Laszlo Biro was well aware of the problems with normal pens. Biro believed that the idea of a pen using a quick-drying ink instead of India ink came to him while visiting a newspaper. The newspaper's ink left the paper dry and smudge-free almost immediately. Biro vowed to use a similar ink in a new type of writing instrument. To avoid clogging his pen up with thick ink, he proposed a tiny metal ball that rotated at the end of a tube of this quick drying ink. The ball would have two functions: It would act as a cap to keep the ink from drying. It would let ink flow out of the pen at a controlled rate. In June 1943, Biro and his brother George, a chemist, took out a new patent with the European Patent Office and made the first commercial models, Biro pens. Later, the British government bought the rights to the patented pens so that the pens could be used by Royal Air Force crews. In addition to being sturdier than conventional fountain pens, ballpoint pens wrote at high altitudes with reduced pressure (conventional fountain pens flooded at high altitudes). Their successful performance for the Royal Air Force brought the Biro pen into the limelight, and during World War II the ballpoint pen was widely used by the military because of its toughness and ability to survive the battle environment. In the United States, the first successful, commercially produced ballpoint pen to replace the then-common fountain pen was introduced by Milton Reynolds in 1945. It used a tiny ball that rolled heavy, gelatin-consistency ink onto the paper. The Reynolds Pen was a primitive writing instrument marketed as "The first pen to write underwater." Reynolds sold 10,000 of his pens when they were first introduced. These first publicly sold pens were very expensive ($10 each), primarily because of the new technology. In 1945, the first inexpensive ballpoint pens were manufactured when Frenchman Marcel Bich developed the industrial process for making the pens that lowered the unit cost dramatically. In 1949, Bich introduced his pens in Europe. He called the pens "BIC," a shortened, easy-to-remember version of his name. Ten years later, BIC first sold its pens on the American market. Consumers were reluctant to buy the BIC pens at first, as so many pens had been introduced in the U.S. market by other manufacturers. To counter this hesitancy, the BIC company created an exciting national television campaign to tell consumers that this ballpoint pen "Writes First Time, Every Time!," and sold it for only 29 cents. BIC also launched television ads that depicted its pens being fired from a rifle, strapped to an ice skate, and even mounted on a jackhammer. Within a year, competition forced prices down to less than 10 cents each. Today, the BIC company manufactures millions of ballpoint pens a day!

Pen Technology

http://www.ball-pen.net/ 广州市裕品笔业 专业圆珠笔厂家
A pen is a tool used for writing or drawing with a colored fluid, such as ink. A ballpoint pen is a pen that uses a small rotating ball made of brass, steel or tungsten carbide to disperse ink as you write. It is very different than its pen predecessors -- the reed pen, quill pen, metal nib pen, and fountain pen. All of the pens that preceded the ballpoint used a watery, dark India ink that fed through the pen using capillary action. The problems with this technology are well-known. For example: The ink can flow unevenly. The ink is slow to dry. The ink is exposed to the air while it is flowing through the pen, so it cannot dry quickly or it would clog the pen. When it does accidentally dry in the pen, the ink gums the whole thing up and requires meticulous cleaning. When you add to this list the fact that fountain pens tend to flood when you fly on an airplane with them, you can see that all pens up until World War II presented some significant problems for their users -- the world awaited a better solution